Sunday, June 28, 2009

Pony Club Camp

Alex, Margaux, and I spent June 17-21 at Pony Club Camp at FENCE (Foothills Equestrian and Nature Center) in Tryon, NC. FENCE is a beautiful place--huge arenas, cross country courses, and a steeplechase track. We left on a rainy Wednesday morning, but it was sunny, hot, and muggy by the time we arrived. Alex and Margaux had lessons all week with some really great instructors. We attempted to camp on the grounds, but after rain the first night, I chickened out and checked into a hotel. Alex's favorite activity was learning polocrosse and Margaux loved going on a trail ride and galloping along the steeplechase track. The week was intensely hot and the ponies hated staying in stalls so much, but overall we had a great time. The kids were able to do all kinds of different riding. They really benefitted from the focused instruction. Here are some pictures from the trip.