Thursday, November 19, 2009
Halloween 2009
We had a rather different Halloween this year. We usually make a special trip to the pumpkin patch, carve Jack-o-lanterns, then go Trick-or-Treating on Halloween night. This year, we barely had time to get to the pumpkin patch, we didn't get a chance to carve Jack-o-lanterns, and we went Trick-or-Treating on the day before Halloween in downtown Madison. It was rainy and dreary on Halloween, so we stayed in and watched movies. Not our usual traditions, but it worked for us this year. I did manage to get some cute photos!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Fall on the Farm
We knew this place was beautiful in the spring when we moved in. There were trees budding and flowers blooming (especially honeysuckles) everywhere. The farm was even more wonderful in the summer when all things turned leafy and thickly green. But fall has been the most spectacular season yet. The blazing reds, yellows, and oranges surrounding us have been amazing. The pictures below are some views from our back porch.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Letters to God, Part II
Last week we were invited to see this movie, Letters to God, as it was screened for a group of investors and supporters in Greensboro (see link below). It is an amazingly moving story. Even though there are sad parts, the film has such a message of hope. Be on the lookout for its release in the spring!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Letters to God, a Possibility Pictures Production
Letters to God, a Possibility Pictures Production
This is a new movie coming out in March 2010, produced by a client of Dan's. This company also made the very successful movies Facing the Giants and Fireproof.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Ride! Swim! Run! Shoot!
On the weekend of September 11-13, Alex and Margaux participated in their very first regional Pony Club rally--the Tetrathalon. The Tet rally is made up of four phases--stadium jumping, swimming, cross-country running, and shooting with air pistols. Our club was the host, so I learned a lot about attending a rally as well as what it takes to put on a rally. The rally was held at the Sedgefield Show Grounds, a local hunter arena. The grounds are gorgeous and we received lots of compliments on the setting. The weather was also wonderful--bright, sunny days but not too hot or humid.
Participants began arriving from all over North and South Carolina on Friday afternoon. The kids settled in the horses that were staying overnight, walked the jump course, had a pizza party, and took the written test. The jog out (vet check) began bright and early on Saturday morning. Alex and Margaux rode shortly after lunch. Alex had a perfect ride--no faults! He got second place only due to a slightly slower time. Margaux had a couple of faults, but the crowd cheered loudly as she climbed up on the fence at the slip rail to re-mount her horse. The jump course at Tet is supposed to somewhat reflect obstacles one might encounter while riding in the open. Riders have to open, go through, and close a gate. They also have to dismount, take down the top rail of a fence, walk the ponies over, replace the fence rail, and then get back on. Margaux, being vertically challenged, had to improvise, using the fence as an impromtu mounting block, when she got back on Jazz.
The kids swam Saturday evening at the local Y. On Sunday morning, everyone headed over to Hester Park to run. Afterwards, the participants completed the shooting phase. Margaux had some trouble with the swimming phase, which left her in fifth place overall. But she did win the "Pony Poop" award. Apparently she was very concerned when Jazz did not immediately poop in her stall while awaiting their turn to ride. She made sure that all of the officials knew that she was keeping a close eye on her pony and they all were very glad when Margaux reported that her pony finally did her business. Alex came in second overall, with first places in shooting and running. It was a great weekend--enjoy the pictures!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Tet Rally Practice
Next weekend, September 11-13, Alex and Margaux will be competing in their very first Pony Club rally. Our local Pony Club is hosting the Carolina Region Tetrathalon Rally. The kids will be riding, swimming, running, and shooting. They have been working hard on jumping courses and shooting air pistols. Last weekend, they had a practice at one of the coach's farm. The pictures below are a preview of the upcoming rally!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Photoshop Fun
I have been taking an online Photoshop class to learn how to do all kinds of things with my pictures. Here are my first few projects. Enjoy!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Pony Club Camp
Alex, Margaux, and I spent June 17-21 at Pony Club Camp at FENCE (Foothills Equestrian and Nature Center) in Tryon, NC. FENCE is a beautiful place--huge arenas, cross country courses, and a steeplechase track. We left on a rainy Wednesday morning, but it was sunny, hot, and muggy by the time we arrived. Alex and Margaux had lessons all week with some really great instructors. We attempted to camp on the grounds, but after rain the first night, I chickened out and checked into a hotel. Alex's favorite activity was learning polocrosse and Margaux loved going on a trail ride and galloping along the steeplechase track. The week was intensely hot and the ponies hated staying in stalls so much, but overall we had a great time. The kids were able to do all kinds of different riding. They really benefitted from the focused instruction. Here are some pictures from the trip.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Horse Show
We spent most of the day today at a horse show put on by Alex and Margaux's trainer. The kids did fantastic! Their ponies were very well behaved and their riding was spectacular. Alex won two 1st place ribbons, a 2nd, and a 3rd. Margaux won THREE 1st place ribbons and a 5th place. Dan and I were extremely proud!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Pony Club Rating
Recently, Alex and Margaux rated up in Pony Club. They have been active in the local club of the United States Pony Club for about about 1 1/2 years now. I am really impressed with the whole Pony Club philosophy of teaching young riders. The organization focuses on the entire process of owning, caring for, and riding a horse safely and correctly. Alex and Margaux are really enjoying being part of a group of kids who love horses as much as they do. As part of the club, the kids are rated up as they learn more about horses and attain higher riding skills. The first levels are the D-levels--D1, D2, and D3. In April, Alex and Margaux both went up to D2. We were very proud of them! Pictures are below.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Wake's Growing Up!

Ever since Wake saw Margaux lose one of her baby teeth, he has been deathly afraid of his teeth falling out too. When he turned six last September, we were really worried because we knew that loose teeth couldn't be far away. A few months ago we started seeing little wiggles in Wake's bottom front teeth. At first he screamed when we tried to check his teeth. After a while he just cried. And finally, after Alex and Margaux told him all about the Tooth Fairy, he was actually proud that he was losing his teeth! Whew! Here he is, minus those first two teeth.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Life on the Farm
Life on the farm is good! Everyone has now moved in and is getting settled. The kids love romping through the woods and playing in the creek. Dan and I are enjoying the peace and quiet. The horses are getting used to their new routine, and the kids love cantering around the pastures. The dogs, including Margaux's new dog, a Border Collie named Gypsy, are having a blast with all of the new sights and smells. Iris (the cat) is sticking close to home these days, though--I think she is scared something is going to eat her. Here are some pictures from the farm.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Where Is Spring?
I'm ready for spring. I don't do well in winter weather, which we have had plenty of lately. Just a few weeks ago we actually got 6 inches of snow! I must admit it was really pretty--everything was white. But I am SOOOO looking forward to the 70-degree weather, not this rainy, foggy stuff we have been having lately.
In other news, we have found a farm! It's a 35-acre property about 30 minutes north of Greensboro. The house is only about two years
old, and there is already a 4-stall barn, two pastures, and a run-in. We have been super busy moving and settling in. So far, we love it. I will be glad when I can actually stay at home for a while and enjoy the country. We still haven't sold our house yet, but we are going to move out and hope that warmer weather will bring a buyer.
Our lives continue to be dominated by four-footed creatures of the equine variety. We are now back down to four horses--LuLu is now in a new home where she will get the attention she deserves. Flash is still battling the worst sarcoid ever and will probably be going back to State next month for radiation treatment. Jazz recently had an abscess that kept her out of commission for about a week. Trigger is having another bout of mild lameness which has been attributed to metabolic syndrome. Empress is doing well (knock on wood) and she and I are still working hard at dressage.
That's about it for now. See below for some recent pictures.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Ho, Ho, Ho and All That Jazz
It's happened again. The holidays have come and gone much too quickly. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving at home this year. I defied tradition by cooking a ham instead of turkey. In years past I had faithfully stuffed, roasted, and carved a huge turkey because I thought that my children would be scarred for life if I didn't. However, after several pounds of uneaten turkey, I decided to make something that everyone would eat. Luckily, as I found, many of the traditional side dishes go amazingly well with ham. Yum!
Dan surprised me (I mean, REALLY surprised me) with a new horse right before Thanksgiving. I had been getting increasingly frustrated with Flash's lack of enthusiasm for dressage, which I enjoy immensely. My trainer had a horse that she had trained up to 2nd level dressage and she wanted to sell. I took some lessons on her and fell in love. The fifth addition to the Sroka equine family is Empress, a 7-year-old, 15.3-hand, chestnut thoroughbred. Pictures will be coming soon.
Christmas was wonderful this year. We did something new--Alex and Margaux were in the Christmas pageant at church. Alex did a reading and Margaux played an angel. I loved watching the pageant and attending Mass on Christmas Eve. I loved just lounging around the house on Christmas, watching the kids play with their new toys. Here are some pictures:
Of course our new year has already been full of horse events. I have lots of video footage that I am slowly putting into viewable form. Here is my first attempt. Happy New Year!
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