Friday, May 30, 2008

House for Sale

Now that we have THREE horses, we have decided that it's time to move out to the country. We are spending more and more time and the barn, and still wish we could spend more. So our house (which we JUST got finished renovating!) is up for sale. We LOVE this house and this neighborhood, but we really want to be with the horses. Right now we have our eye on a 30-acre farm in Rockingham County that already has a small barn and some cleared pasture land. It's going to be a big change for us. We are so close to everything now. It has been a long time since we have lived out in the country. But I know that we will be thrilled to be able to ride more often. It will also be a change having our own barn that we have to muck, horses to feed, pastures to mow, and all of the other daily chorse that come with owning a farm. And when it is the middle of winter and I am out early in the freezing weather breaking the ice in the water troughs, I am going to try hard to remember that I really WANT to do this! :-)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Welcome to LuLu!

Here is LuLu--the newest member of the Sroka clan! She came to us via Townsend Farms, the barn where we first learned to ride. She is a registered Quarter Horse, 14.1 hands tall, and her name is Zip Me a Clu. She is very sweet and loves to be rubbed. She has settled in quite well at Still Water. Margaux absolutely loves having her own pony to dote on. LuLu and Margaux competed in their first show together at the barn this past Saturday. They won two 2nd place and two 3rd place ribbons! We are so happy to have found LuLu and we are so glad she is a part of our family.

In other horse news, Alex and Trigger also competed in the barn show on Saturday, taking two 2nd place ribbons and one 6th place. Unfortunatley, Trigger got a little excited during the crossrail jumping and took off across the arena at a full canter, dumping Alex unceremoniously at the gate. Bravely, Alex jumped back on for the next class. The three of us (Alex, Margaux, and Kelly) placed second in the relay race. Margaux walked down the arena on Trigger, I trotted back (with no stirrups!), and Alex cantered to the finish line. It was a fun day!

Monday, May 5, 2008


After almost three weeks, I finally have my computer back! About two months ago, I upgraded my computer with more RAM and a bigger hard drive to accomodate all of the blogging, scrapbooking, and photography I was doing. One day, my computer wouldn't boot up anymore. It seems that one of the startup files was corrupted. I felt sooooooo lost without my laptop! But it's back, and I am starting to blog, scrapbook, and upload photos again. Yay!