Saturday, December 29, 2007
Happy Holidays!
We are almost through the holiday season and it has been wonderful this year. The weather has not been too bad and we have had several days nice enough to go riding. Dan bought us the biggest Christmas tree we have had in years and it was beautiful.
The kids had fun making a gingerbread house and Christmas wreaths (which were eaten very quickly).
Christmas Day was wonderful. We spent the morning opening presents and then attended Christmas Mass. Happy Holidays!
Friday, December 21, 2007
Halloween Creations
We had a great Halloween this year. Alex loved being a clone trooper complete with laser gun. After much deliberation, Margaux decided to be a cute little witch. And Wake made the most adorable pirate. This was the first year we actually trick-or-treated in our own neighborhood and we had a fantastic time. There were people everywhere. Several houses had elaborate spooky displays. I recently scrapped some of our pictures from Halloween. These two pages use Halloween products from Daisy D's.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Scrappin' Pay It Forward
I am participating in a "Pay It Foward" for bloggers. I was one of the first 3 posters on Tobey Shepherd's blog Scrap Those Memories and she is going to send me a fun surprise of goodies!! In return, I have some scrappy stuff to send along to the first 3 people to leave a comment on my blog. So if you are one of the first 3 people to make a comment on this post and want some goodies from me, then you must agree to "pay it forward" on YOUR blog. That's right, the only requirement is that you have a blog to participate. So let's see all those comments now! Thank you for visiting!
Pony Pics
Here are a couple of the latest pictures of Marguax and Alex riding Trigger. He has proven to be such a wonderful pony for the two of them. He is so patient and calm with the kids.

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